Amerigo Export Pvt Limited is one of the leading manufacturers of Centrifugal Pumps in SAUDI ARABIA. We manufacture and supply various range of Industrial pumps as per our customer's requirements. We ensure timely delivery of material to all our international clients. We maintain integration and management of activities including inventory databases and shipping schedules, material handling, packaging, inventory, transportation, customs clearance and security for the resources of organizational supply chains.
COMPLETE RANGE OF TRANSFER PUMPS FOR VARIOUS INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS - Horizontal, back pull out, volute casing, single stage, centre line discharge, end-suction centrifugal pump. Excellent super alloy pumps for hazardous, corrosive & toxic media.Flow capacity up to 200 m3/hr, Head upto 100 m, Viscosity up to 150 mPas (cP), Working pressure: 16 bar, Temp: 180 Deg C. Head : Upto 100 Mtrs Max Flow Rate : 200 M3/Hr Discharge Size : 75 mm Casing Packing : Viton Rubber Temperature : 180 Deg C Impeller Type : Semi Open Pump Material : PVDF/PFA/PTFE Shaft Sleeve Material: Ceramic Type : End Suction Various range of Process Pumps are available as per customer's request. Our Industrial products are generally used in industry sectors such as Chemical Effluent / Water Treatment, Sewage Treatment, Power Plant, Pharmaceutical Plant, Oil Plant, Paint, Marine, Petro-Chemical, Pulp & Paper, Food, Beverages, Sugar Industries, Metal & Steel Plant, etc.
An effective QC checklist helps clear up any confusion surrounding product requirements. Material of Construction check, Marking & Labeling, Color requirements, Weight & Dimensions are fully complied as per quality check procedures. At the time of Packing, complete care is taken about any damages. Marking and labeling are done as per quality policy or customer's instruction request. Heavier products are packed in a way that prevents the cartons or wooden box from being crushed when stacked.
We will be glad to receive your questions anytime. You may please send us the business inquiries at our mail id: sales@amerigoexports.com, our team will check and will revert back to you as soon as possible.